ODBC Setup

Note: this feature is not available in the Community edition.

The Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) connector enables you to connect to datasources accessible via Windows machines that Pyramid does not support out-of-the-box.

The first stage is to install the relevant ODBC driver on the same machine as the Pyramid "Windows Connector" service.


Option a.
  • Open the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator and setup the driver.
  • Then open the Pyramid Admin console the defined driver will appear in the ODBC Connection String drop down.
Option b.
  • If you already know the connection string, simply copy and paste it.


  • To ensure password encryption, replace the password in the ODBC Connection String with the following placeholder: pwd={pwd}
  • Add the Display Name, and User and Password.

ODBC Direct

For setup of ODBC Direct, which is used to enable direct querying of ODBC sources, you must specify the SQL variant of the OBDC source from the 'Base SQL Style' drop-down,